Gluten Free Pancakes

I almost titled this post "Tall Stacks for Short Stacks" since the photos feature my favorite furry food critics, #mosesthecorgi and @khedira_corgi with their own personal stacks of gluten-free pancakes. Corgis and pancakes together?! OH MY! I have the great honor of being the Momma to Moses, a Cardigan Corgi (my wasband and I got him in 2010 and we both love him so much that we’ve continued to share "corgi custody" between our two households since our divorce). And, I have the esteemed privilege of being dogsitter to Khedira, the beloved Pembroke Corgi baby of my dear friend Jocelyn.
But, be-fur we get carried away into the realm of #corgicuteness, I want to come clean and admit that I did make myself a custom stack of regular sized gluten-free pancakes to which I added chunks of Green & Black's dark chocolate sea salt bar (my favorite chocolate bar of the moment). Drool! But, since I like my pancakes hot and fresh off the griddle, I polished off most of my stack by the time I finished making the minicakes for the corgi crew (the canine-friendly minis were 100% chocolate-free, of course). Just to be crystal clear: I did not put any chocolate in the corgi cakes. Period. CHOCOLATE AND DOGS DO NOT MIX! (But, chocolate and I definitely do)
Behold my Moses' mouth-watering expression of surprise, "Pancakes for me? Really, Momma?" And look at the cray-cray Khedira is copping with her hypnotic laser stare: "You give ME the pancakes. YOU give ME the pancakes! YOU GIVE ME THE PANCAKES!" lol!
I find baking mixes, in general, to be pretty forgiving and unfussy, and Bob's Red Mill gluten-free biscuit and baking mix is no exception. I totally made this batter work with 1 egg (instead of the 2 suggested in the recipe on the back of the Bob's package), the last splash of hemp milk left in the carton (about 1/4 a cup), and a liberal amount of water to thin. I did use the recommended 2 Tablespoons of oil (I used organic non-GMO canola). When you've got a hankering for pancakes, you "Make it work!" Tim Gunn style so that you can make your dreams come true!
Note: If you feed your pooch a grain free diet, these pancakes are a no-no (rice is a grain). However, these pancakes ARE an excellent option for gluten free humans and canines!
2 cups of Bob’s Red Mill gluten free Biscuit & Baking Mix
¼ cup of hemp milk
1 egg
water to thin
(optional for humans: chocolate chips or pieces of your favorite chocolate bar)
In a bowl, combine all the ingredients except the water. Then, add water gradually and stir or whisk until desired consistency is reached. For denser cakes, add less water, for thinner ones, add more. Once batter is mixed you can transfer it to a liquid measuring cup with a spout, squirt bottle, or you can use dry measuring cups or a ladle for easier pancaking on the griddle.
Heat your pan or griddle and have fun pancaking! You'll know a cake is ready to flip when the batter starts to bubble.